Stuart Little burada
Manchester çevresindeki duvarlara Lowry Tiyatrosu'nun Stuart Little oyununu haberdar etmek için yapılan faredelikleri uygulaması.
To inform people that the Lowry Theatre was staging performances of the Stuart Little play, ambient Mouseholes were stuck on walls around the City of Manchester.
A: BJL, UK • YY/CD: Gary Fawcett, Lisa Nichols • SY/AD: Richard Pearson • RY/CW: Harinder Bajwa
To inform people that the Lowry Theatre was staging performances of the Stuart Little play, ambient Mouseholes were stuck on walls around the City of Manchester.
A: BJL, UK • YY/CD: Gary Fawcett, Lisa Nichols • SY/AD: Richard Pearson • RY/CW: Harinder Bajwa
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