Bulut - The Cloud
İtalya Floransa'daki MIT Mobil Experience tarafndan geliştirilen yukarıdaki heykel, 15.000 fiber optik kablodan oluşup, karşısına geçen insanın dokunuşlarına ve hareketlerine duyarlı olduğundan filmdeki gibi bir sonucun oluşmasını sağlıyor.
An organic sculptural landmark that responds to human interaction and expresses context awareness using hundreds of sensors and over 15,000 individually addressable optical fibers. Constructed of carbon glass, rising over four meters high, and containing more than 65 kilometers of fiber optics, the Cloud encourages visitors to touch and interact with information in new ways, manifesting emotions and behavior through sound and a dichotomy of luminescence and darkness. Located in downtown Florence outside the Fortezza da Basso.
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