Çevreci Yeşil Domatesler...
İki genç ingiliz avukat işlerini bırakıp, girişimci ruhlarına bir de yaratıcılığı ekleyerek yepyeni bir işe yelken açmışlar. Mart ayı başında şirketlerinin lansmanını gerçekleştiren bu 2 arkadaşın buldukları konsept, çevreci otomobillerden oluşan bir filo ile çevreye duyarlı taksi servis hizmeti vermek. Londra’nın bir bölümünü kendilerine pilot bölge olarak belirlemiş ve hizmet vermeye başlamışlar. Otomobil markası olarak kendilerine elektrik motoruyla çalışan Toyota Prius’u seçmişler. İnsanın aklına hemen “daha mı pahalı” sorusu geliyor ama şirketin stratejisi, pahalıya özel bir hizmet satmak değil, hatta daha ucuza duyarlı hizmet pazarlamak. Bir sonraki hedefleri tüm Londra’ya yayılmak. Fark böyle yaratılıyor işte.
“Hailing a hybrid”
“The Toyota Prius, the world's most popular hybrid car, emits half as much carbon dioxide as a traditional black cab does. This made it an obvious choice for greentomatocars, an environmentally friendly cab service in London that was launched on 1 March 2006 and was founded by two young ex-City lawyers. Most green services come at a greater cost to consumers. Not so for greentomatocars. In their words: "A radical change in consumer behaviour is needed if society is to arrest climate change. greentomatocars believes that such change is only achievable if environmental businesses do not charge a premium for their goods and services." For example, a journey from West London to the West End costs GBP 10-11, which is GBP 4 less than than the fare would be in a regular black cab”.
Kaynak/Source: sprinwise.com
“Hailing a hybrid”
“The Toyota Prius, the world's most popular hybrid car, emits half as much carbon dioxide as a traditional black cab does. This made it an obvious choice for greentomatocars, an environmentally friendly cab service in London that was launched on 1 March 2006 and was founded by two young ex-City lawyers. Most green services come at a greater cost to consumers. Not so for greentomatocars. In their words: "A radical change in consumer behaviour is needed if society is to arrest climate change. greentomatocars believes that such change is only achievable if environmental businesses do not charge a premium for their goods and services." For example, a journey from West London to the West End costs GBP 10-11, which is GBP 4 less than than the fare would be in a regular black cab”.
Kaynak/Source: sprinwise.com
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